PNY Pro Elite 1TB microSD card review

PNY Pro Elite 1TB microSD card review
Pny is a known amount. It may not be as popular as a better brand like SanDisk but has a long relationship with technology. This produces HP branded storage products, selling NVIDIA graphics cards, system memory and data science workstations and company level GPUs. So get a MicroSD 1TB Pny Pro Elite card comes with a number of expectations and when the card does provide, there is a sense of disappointment.
Where the Pny card is behind the competition is a price. In addition to the usual microSD card with false capacity (you can easily see it because the price label is too good for BE-True), the most affordable microSD card from this capacity is 1TB Sandisk Ultra and Silicon Power (both of $ 137.99 in Amazon). The PNY Pro Retail Elite for $ 179.99, A $ 40 Premium which can be explained by higher overall performance (at least on paper and for random readings / write speed).
Note that Amazon provides a number of countries and offers a 3-year data recovery plan for only $ 7.99 with free shipping for data recovery in the lab; Tracking case status 24/7 online and money back guarantee. It can’t be fairer than that! The other 1TB microSD card that we tested until now includes Lexar Play, Teamgroup Elite A1, Silicon Power, Sandisk Extreme and, of course, Grand Father of all of them, The Micron C200.
Like dozens of other microSD cards, Pny Pro Elite does not offer much in terms of design. It’s just a piece of plastic after all with a typical PNY logo and the required features printed in front of it: U3, A2, V30. It’s small and only a few grams. Note that the larger version of the card (SD version of Pro Elite) does exist; It seems like there is no difference in performance even though the microSD card is cheaper about 10%.
This card, also known as P-SDU1TBV32100Pro-GE, is available in the 256GB version, 512GB and 1TB. As expected the product is proof of magnetic, shock evidence, temperature proof, waterproof and equipped with an elementary adapter. Note that the card is not equipped with any software application: no backup software or security software. We will not mind some free like Seagate with Adobe Creative Cloud and some portable SSD / external hard drives.