Bloomberg: Apple plans to launch a fully autonomous car as soon as 2025

Bloomberg: Apple plans to launch a fully autonomous car as soon as 2025

The Rumors of Apple cars returned at the beginning of 2021, and we had a news flow that had not been confirmed about the most ambitious Apple project until then. Apple has no expertise in making vehicles, but has a big plan that can help revolutionize the industry if these rumors are accurate. Apple wants to make an electric vehicle that will also encourage itself independently. Self-driving cars are on the market, but they can still be operated manually. Although many of which test technology like that in the wild, car makers have not perfected technology that allows them to build safe self-driving cars.

The latest report reveals more detail about the plan of a brave Apple car. The company seems to have decided to pursue a vehicle that will not display the steering wheel or pedal in what is heard like the most futuristic automotive project we have ever seen. In addition, Apple reportedly planned to launch its first generation autonomous car in 2025.

Apple Self-Driving Car Plan

The Apple car team has explored two different scenarios for self-driving cars in recent years, Bloomberg reports. One involves vehicles with their own driving skills that are focused on the steering and acceleration. It is in line with what competitors do like Tesla and Google Waymo.

Other plans involve cars with full self-driving capabilities that do not require human intervention. With Apple’s vice president of Kevin Lynch technology now watching the car team, Apple chose to the last of two plans. Lynch apparently wants the first version of Apple’s fully autonomous car. And Apple wants to launch a car in 2025.

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