This new glove from Facebook lets you feel objects in VR

This new glove from Facebook lets you feel objects in VR

The new prototype glove set from Meta (previous Facebook) can open the door for a device that allows you to feel the object in virtual reality.

Gloves are made by the Meta reality lab, and is currently in the prototype phase. That means they will not be available to the public in the near future. Companies see gloves as a future interact in virtual reality and augmented reality experience, along with other use technology.

At the basic level, new gloves are haptic prototypes. Basically, when worn, this glove can make you interact directly with the object in the VR or AR experience. When activated, it will allow you to physically feel the object thanks to various haptic markers installed on gloves.

When gloves are placed in the hands of the user, the control system adjusts the inflation of the glove to make pressure around the hand. Inflation will change when you interact with objects. If you hold something, you will be able to feel the pressure in your hand. The actuator of the long finger in the glove will be stiff, and then create a sense of resistance.

Meta was reported to have worked on this technology for acquiring Oculus VR in 2014. The prototype currently attracts many of the fields of soft robotics. This field wants to replace a large motor with a small air valve. The prototype also uses audio and visual cues to help create a sensation that can be felt when wearing gloves.

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