Apple Watch 8 sports a familiar design in a leaked unofficial render

Apple Watch 8 sports a familiar design in a leaked unofficial render

 The Apple Watch eight isn’t always probably to land till September 2022, however we are already discovering leaks that element Apple’s subsequent smartwatch – and the brand new one takes the shape of an unofficial render displaying a layout it’s very acquainted to its predecessor. This comes via @LeaksApplePro, a supply that has been correct…

Bloomberg: Apple plans to launch a fully autonomous car as soon as 2025

Bloomberg: Apple plans to launch a fully autonomous car as soon as 2025

The Rumors of Apple cars returned at the beginning of 2021, and we had a news flow that had not been confirmed about the most ambitious Apple project until then. Apple has no expertise in making vehicles, but has a big plan that can help revolutionize the industry if these rumors are accurate. Apple wants…